New Patient:
The Natural Choice Family cordially welcomes you and your family to our practice.
What can I expect on my first visit?
By consulting our office, you're taking an exciting first step toward better health. We have prepared this information so you'll know what to expect on your first visit to our office.
1. You'll meet Dr. Ashlee after filling out some brief paperwork
describe you, your health history, and your health goals.
2. Next, we'll study the way you turn and bend. We will also
perform other physical, orthopedic and chiropractic tests
that help us locate areas of your spine that could be the
cause of a health problem.
3. X-rays, complete thermal imaging and SEMG scans will
be performed. Pictures of your spine can confirm and rule
out other findings and make your care more precise.
4. On your second visit, Dr. Andres will explain what the tests
have found and the conclusions we have reached. At that
time we'll make recommendations and offer you some
Congratulations! You have joined millions who have enjoyed better health without the use of drugs or surgery. Again, welcome to our office! We look forward to seeing you soon.
To get started Click on the Form to the right.
Other Forms:
Natural Choice Chiropractic - 5260 Kalamazoo Ave. Grand Rapids, MI 49508 - Office Phone: (616) 827-2350 Office Fax: (616) 827-2351
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